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Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

Home Page

Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More


At Farley Hill computing is used throughout our broad, balanced and creative curriculum. Our children learn and develop skills to enhance their learning. We believe that if we teach our children these skills through a range of relevant, topic based tasks they will use technology effectively and apply their skills to real-life situations.


We deliver a rich and varied computing curriculum which includes digital literacy, e safety, coding, multi media etc. It excites and inspires the children from EYFS to Year 6.


The Internet is an amazing source of information which enhances learning in many ways. Being ‘e-safe’ means teaching our children what to do when online and faced with strangers asking for details when gaming, if they see inappropriate images or if they experience cyber-bullying. We use a variety of planning materials and other resources to teach our children to be digitally aware.  There are Digital Leaders within the school who support teachers and their peers.



We have a variety of resources to support the computing curriculum.
