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Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

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Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More


Welcome to Woodlands Nursery Class

at Farley Hill Primary School



We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our Nursery Class. At Farley Hill, we value working in partnership together as a TEAM to provide the best possible experience for your child.

Nursery Team


Mrs Rebecca Reed:  Nursery Teacher & Early Years Lead

Mrs Leah Best:   Lead Early Years Practitioner

Miss Emily Paul:  Early Years Practitioner

Mrs Ellie Hoptroff :  Early Years Practitioner


Session Times

(Term time only)

Morning Session:   8.30 – 11.30 am

Afternoon Session:  12.30-3.30 pm

Full Time Session (including picnic club at an additional cost of £5 per day): 8.30am-3.30pm

Settling in to Woodlands Nursery

To support your child in their transition to our class, we have a bespoke programme to enable us to give your child the individual attention they need to help them feel safe and secure, whilst getting to know the other children, the adults and our daily routines.


Start of the Sessions: 8.30am or 12.30pm


For  safety reasons we will close our gate at 8:40 am and


Children come into Nursery via the nursery gate on site which is next to the main school gate.


You and your child will be met at the gate by Mrs Reed - you will be able to ensure that your child comes into nursey safely. If you arrive late and the gate is closed, please go to the main office and a member of the office staff will inform the Nursery staff who will open the gate for you.


End of the sessions: 11:30 am or 3:30 pm


We will only release the children into the care of responsible adults that routinely collect the children. We will not release the children to older siblings, unless they are an adult. If there are changes to the ‘usual adult’ please contact the office before the end of the session and the class teacher will be informed. Please do not try to collect other people’s children for them if their parent or carer is running late. Please do not be offended if we refuse to hand over a child that does not belong to you.

Absence from Nursery


If your child is unwell please email the school on

or call the school office as soon as possible on 0118 973 2148; you can leave a message and tell us why your child is absent.

If your child has sickness or diarrhoea please keep them away from school for 48hours after their last episode.

Forms to apply for leave of absence from school are located outside the school office.

We recognise that Woodlands Nursery is not statutory, however, as a school we believe it’s important to establish good patterns of attendance in order for your child to reap the benefits of the high-quality Early Years Education we are providing.

NB - we do need to know where your child is and when they will be returning for safeguarding reason

Medical Information

Please ensure that you have completed and returned the enclosed pupil information sheet. If your child has or develops any known allergies, asthma or any other medical need PLEASE state this clearly on the form and talk to the Nursery staff.

Our staff team are qualified paediatric first aiders; we will administer first aid if your child needs it during the school day.  You will be informed if your child has an accident such as a cut or a graze via our staff at the end of the session.

If your child receives a bump to the head, you will be contacted by telephone, as it is our policy to inform parents because of the risk of concussion or compression.

It is imperative that your contact details are kept up to date.


If a child has an accident that we suspect could be a broken limb, the parent will be informed immediately. If necessary we will call an ambulance and inform you of its destination. A member of staff will accompany your child in the ambulance should you not be able to meet us at school prior to the ambulance leaving the school site.

Personal Care

There are toilets in the classroom which the children have access to at all times. If your child needs guidance when toileting or changing clothes if they have had an ‘accident’, a member of staff will be on hand to help.

Please can you ensure that your child has a bag of NAMED spare clothes in nursery, including socks, just in case your child has an ‘toileting accident ‘or gets wet whilst playing in the water area

School Uniform


We want our children in Nursery to feel part of our whole school community but we also recognise the active learners our youngest children are  - therefore we have a very simple uniform.

  • Jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings in black, navy or dark grey
  • Farley Hill School Nursery sweatshirt / polo shirt
  • Trainers – no laces but any colour
  • A coat with a hood
  • Wellies:  if you have a spare pair they come in very useful on wet, rainy days.
  • A Farley Hill Nursery Draw String Bag – (to bring in spare clothes / books etc)



Please follow the link below to order our school uniform 


Please be aware that during your child’s time in Nursery they will be very active, playing both indoors and outdoors, in sand, water, mud etc.

PLEASE make sure all items of clothing – including coats and shoes are NAMED.

During the hot weather, please provide your child with a sun hat and apply sun cream before coming to Nursery

Food and Drink



The children need to bring in a named water bottle, which stays in their classroom which they can access throughout the day. Filled with water only please.



We provide a piece of fruit or a vegetable for every child daily. Please do not send in own snacks.



Every child is entitled to a free carton of milk until they turn 5.  Please register for your child to receive milk. or call 0844 854 2913


Picnic Club

If your child is attending Nursery full time and you have chosen to pay for your child to attend our ‘picnic club’, please ensure that their packed lunch includes food your child enjoys eating.  They will need to be able to feed themselves although we will help with opening packets.  We are a nut free school and promote healthy eating so PLEASE do not include any sweets or nuts.  We recommend food that should be eaten cold; we do not have facilities to warm food up.  Ideas may include a sandwich, roll or wrap with a filling that your child enjoys, a piece of fruit or vegetables, yoghurts or cheese and maybe a sweet or savoury snack such as a cake, biscuit, crisps or crackers. Once your child starts with us, you will be given information by the school office regarding payment for this service.

Learning & Development

We have created an attractive and stimulating learning environment where children feel confident and secure, can have fun and yet face and challenges to develop their skills in all areas. The children have access to an indoor and outdoor environment that is set up in discrete areas of learning with planned continuous provision

  The Early Years Foundation Stage is made up of seven areas of learning

                                                               The PRIME AREAS – Communication and language

                                                                         Physical Development

                                                                         Personal, Social and Emotional development

                                                                The SPECIFIC AREAS – Literacy


                                                                        Understanding the World

                                                                        Expressive Arts and Design

Our Early Years Curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure that their interests and fascinations are built upon and they are all able to thrive and achieve.

Effective learning builds and extends upon prior learning and follows the children’s interests. Effective planning is informed by observations of the children to ensure we follow their current interests and experiences. These observations are recorded in the children’s individual learning folders.

Play based learning is paramount and children have plenty of opportunities to direct their own learning from carefully planned experiences and high-quality resourcing. Staff will enhance play and extend as needed to further individual learning.  Opportunities for individual, small group, and occasionally whole class work are carefully planned into the timetable.

How Children Learn


At Farley Hill, we recognise the different ways in which children learn – called characteristics of effective learning- and plan experiences to enhance and support these.

The characteristics of effective learning are:

playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;

active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; and

creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


Please follow the links below to find out more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and ideas for you to best support your child as they continue in through their early years journey.

The Early Years Pupil Premium


From April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders and other childcare providers have been able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care. We wanted to write to you to explain what the Early Years Pupil Premium is, explain who is eligible for this funding and, importantly, to ask you to fill out the enclosed forms so that we as a provider can claim the extra funding.


The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 53 pence per hour for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formerly in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order.  This means an extra £302 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours funded entitlement to early education.  This additional money could make a significant difference to us.


We can use the extra funding in any way we choose to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for your child. This could include, for example, additional training for our staff on early language, investing in partnership working with our colleagues in the area to further our expertise or supporting our staff in working on specialised areas such as speech and language.


It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school so we do want to make the most of this additional funding. You may be aware if you have older children that a pupil premium has been available for school-age children and it has proved to have given a real boost to the children receiving the funding.  We want to do the same for our early years children entitled to this funding.


Eligibility criteria

If you are in receipt of – the Guarantee element of State Pension; or Income Support; or Income based Jobseekers Allowance; or Child Tax Credit (but not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and   annual taxable income does not exceed £16,190; or income-based employment and support allowance; or support under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 you may qualify.


If you feel the following criteria applies to you please complete the form in the link below and return to the school office and we will process your application.


If you have any questions please contact the school office.


At Farley Hill School, we are committed to safeguarding children and have a duty to refer any

suspected cases of neglect or harm to the appropriate agencies.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Mrs Jane Bateman- Headteacher

Mrs Karen Lewis – Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Rebecca Reed - Nursery Teacher

Mrs Claire Logan – SENDCo.

