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Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

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Farley Hill Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More

Exceptionally Able and Talented

Here at Farley Hill we recognise and celebrate the successes and achievements of all students.

Provision for the Able, Gifted and Talented:


There is a strong learning ethos in our school. Our school recognises, develops and celebrates learning success in all our pupils. 


High expectations for achieving are shared by all. Challenging and extending our learning is a daily part of the curriculum. Monitoring, tracking and reviewing pupil's learning targets ensures good levels of progress are high on our school agenda.


"Learning outside is good fun. 
It makes it more interesting!"

We develop the skills of each and every child and high expectations are shared by all.  


"I like learning on my own 
and with my friends"

By challenging and extending learning opportunities across the curriculum we can monitor, track and review pupils learning needs. Good levels of progress are high on the schools agenda and this is evident in our positive data.


"Sometimes it's hard, 
but I like being challenged!" 

More Able, Exceptionally Able and Talented Policy
